Soft-Tissue-Level Design 

Because of its purposeful design according to the biological principles of natural teeth, Patent™ is able to eliminate the main causes of biological complications of implant treatment and to support oral health.

Soft-Tissue-Level Design 

Because of its purposeful design according to the biological principles of natural teeth, Patent™ is able to eliminate the main causes of biological complications of implant treatment and to support oral health.

No Microgap at Bone Level

Eliminating a major weak spot: Conventional screw-based implants incorporate a microgap at bone level. Research has proved that bacteria can penetrate this gap, accumulate at the prosthetic interface, and promote bone loss and peri-implantitis. Patent™ was specifically given a true soft-tissue-level design to avoid such a microgap.


No Microgap at Bone Level

Eliminating a major weak spot: Conventional screw-based implants incorporate a microgap at bone level. Research has proved that bacteria can penetrate this gap, accumulate at the prosthetic interface, and promote bone loss and peri-implantitis. Patent™ was specifically given a true soft-tissue-level design to avoid such a microgap.

Full Accessibility for Optimum Control

The Patent™ Implant is positioned at the equigingival level. Once healed and restored, its crown margin is level with the free gingival margin and therefore in a region easily accessible for home hygiene and maintenance. As a result, the risk of bacteria-induced peri-implant inflammation is minimized with this soft-tissue-level design.

Full Accessibility for Optimum Control

The Patent™ Implant is positioned at the equigingival level. Once healed and restored, its crown margin is level with the free gingival margin and therefore in a region easily accessible for home hygiene and maintenance. As a result, the risk of bacteria-induced peri-implant inflammation is minimized with this soft-tissue-level design.

Soft-Tissue Seal Keeps Bacteria Out

​Thanks to the soft-tissue-level design with a machined zirconia collar and noninvasive prosthetic restoration, the soft tissue attaches to the Patent™ Implant firmly and is largely undisturbed by bacteria, forming a strong cuff. The resulting seal can prevent bacteria from entering the deeper peri-implant tissue. This too is crucial in reducing the risk of inflammation and maintaining overall tissue health and stability.

Soft-Tissue Seal Keeps Bacteria Out

Thanks to the soft-tissue-level design with a machined zirconia collar and noninvasive prosthetic restoration, the soft tissue attaches to the Patent™ Implant firmly and is largely undisturbed by bacteria, forming a strong cuff. The resulting seal can prevent bacteria from entering the deeper peri-implant tissue. This too is crucial in reducing the risk of inflammation and maintaining overall tissue health and stability.

First Long-Term Study on Two-Piece Zirconia Implants

Download the Scientific Summary & the Patent™ Intro Guide!

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First Long-Term Study 
on Two-Piece Zirconia Implants

Download the Scientific Summary & the Patent™ Intro Guide!

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