Introducing Dr. Cristina Gamboa Torres, the leading dentist and dental surgeon at Kensington Olympia Dental Clinic, London
Differences between patients in Brazil, Portugal, and the UK
Clear aligner therapy: can it replace traditional braces completely?
Increasing access to orthodontic knowledge and information
Dr. Cristina Gamboa Torres
Dentist in Kensington Olympia Dental Clinic, London
Completed her dental studies at the University in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1991
Advanced training in periodontology treatment, orthodontic treatments, MD3 technique, and osseointegration implants
Currently working in Portugal and London
Leading dentist and dental surgeon in Kensington Olympia Dental Clinic and a clinic in Ilford
More than 10 years of experience in placing implants
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dracristinagt
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cristina-gamboa-torres-50b09835/
KO Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/kensingtonolympiadentalclinic/
KO Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kensingtonolympiadentalclinic/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
4 MacliseRd, London W14 0PR, United Kingdom
In Conversation with Dr. Cristina Gamboa Torres
The field of orthodontics has come a long way in recent decades. Since the innovation of clear aligner therapy, patients can complete complex orthodontic procedures with minimal intervention from the dentist. But can clear aligner therapy truly replace traditional orthodontics? And can technological innovations eventually render dentists and orthodontics irrelevant? The Zircon Medical Podcast recently hosted Dr. Cristina Gamboa Torres, the leading dentist and dental surgeon at a reputable dental clinic in London, to discuss innovations in orthodontics and how she improves her patients’ self-esteem.
Introducing Dr. Cristina Gamboa Torres, the leading dentist and dental surgeon at Kensington Olympia Dental Clinic, London
Dr. Cristina Gamboa Torres completed her dental studies at the University in Sao Paulo in Brazil in 1991, following which she completed an advanced specialization in periodontology treatment, orthodontic treatments, the MD3 technique, and implantology. She has 10+ years of placing dental implants, and she specializes in the latest orthodontic techniques, including Invisalign treatment. Since 2019, Dr. Torres has been working in Portugal and London — she’s the leading dentist and dental surgeon at Kensington Olympia Dental Clinic and another clinic in Ilford.
Dr. Torres says she knew she wanted to be a dentist when she had her first orthodontic treatment at the age of 13. She had spent a few days with a family friend who happened to be a dentist, and she had the opportunity to see the results of dental treatments. She saw how the dentist interacted with patients and positively impacted their lives, and that encouraged her to pursue the same path. She specializes in implantology and orthodontics — skills that she combines to ensure the best results for her patients.
Differences between patients in Brazil, Portugal, and the UK
Dr. Torres started her dental career in Brazil, but she eventually moved to Portugal for “security problems.” Currently, she spends 3 weeks in Portugal and 1 week in London, alternating her time between the two clinics, though she eventually aims to balance her time 50-50 between the two locations. When asked about patient attitudes to dentistry in the three locations, she says patients in Brazil seemed far ahead of their European counterparts in their acceptance of dental procedures, even going as far back as two decades.
In Brazil, Dr. Torres says patients wanted cosmetic treatments with extremely precise results. They were extremely conscious about oral health and beauty, and even relatively poor individuals took excellent care of their teeth. She attributes the willingness to embrace dentistry because of society’s emphasis on appearance. Compared to Brazil, patients in Portugal only sought emergency treatments and checkups and showed considerable hesitation toward the ideal of orthodontic treatments and implants. Patients in London accept dental treatments, but not with the enthusiasm of patients in Brazil.
Clear aligner therapy: can it replace traditional braces completely?
Dr. Torres says she started using Invisalign recently, and her experience so far has been incredibly positive. Invisalign treatments are more convenient for her patients. The patient visits the clinic, the dentist performs the iTero scan of the mouth, completes the digital planning, and then visualizes the entire results for the patient in advance. The patient can see a visual prediction of the results, encouraging them to proceed with the treatments. Furthermore, patients don’t need to return to the dental clinic constantly because they can simply send pictures.
However, as convenient as clear aligner therapy might be, Dr. Torres believes it can’t replace traditional braces completely. In difficult occlusal situations, the patients still need to undergo traditional orthodontic treatments.
Increasing access to orthodontic knowledge and information
Dr. Torres says digital accessibility of information has made the field of orthodontics more accessible to a larger number of dentists. When she first started, she had to pay 45,000 for knowledge, but dentists can now receive the same information via online courses for 700 or 1000, which is a lot more accessible. Digitalization also makes it easier for younger dentists and orthodontists to share information with each other, which further improves capabilities. Dr. Torres is incredibly excited about the role that digitalization will play in the future of orthodontics.