Regedent Symposium 2024

Barcelona, Spain

Novel Regenerative Concepts for Dentistry

Discover the secret of preventing peri-implantitis at the Novel Regenerative Concepts for Dentistry symposium, being held by REGEDENT on April 19 and 20 in Barcelona, Spain!

During a clinical roundtable to be hosted by Patent™ on April 20, leading experts Prof. Anton Sculean and Dr. Roland Glauser will explain how the two-piece Patent™ Implant can prevent peri-implantitis—a capability proven in two independent longterm studies. Patent™ achieves this by promoting uniquely strong soft-tissue adhesion to its transmucosal surface, creating an effective defense barrier against bacteria.

The Patent™ team is looking forward to welcoming you to Barcelona!

Dátum & Idő
péntek április 19, 2024
Kezdete - 8:45 (Europe/Zurich)
szombat április 20, 2024
Vége - 16:30 (Europe/Zurich)

Eurostars Sitges

Av. Camí de Miralpeix, 12
08870 Barcelona
--Eurostars Sitges--

Regedent AG

--Regedent AG--

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